There’s a new kid on the street. Sesame Street that is. This month, Sesame Street will introduce a new Muppet character to their gang live on television. Her name is Julia. She is four years old, very curious, and loves to paint, draw, and pick flowers. Julia likes hanging out with her friends Elmo
Read MoreStruggles of Special Needs Siblings
Kids who grow up with a sibling with special needs may have more of a chance to develop amazing qualities like patience, kindness and compassion. But, they also have struggles. Sometimes they can feel overlooked (unintentionally) by parents and other family. Or, they may be singled out and called upon to ‘step up’ their responsibilities
Read MoreNew Technology May Predict Autism in Babies
New research shows that doctors may be able to predict autism now at an earlier age than ever using special MRI images of a child’s brain. Children with a sibling who has autism are thought to have a one in five chance of developing it also. Current diagnostic measures typically detect the condition after two
Read MoreHeading on Vacation? 5 Travel Tips for Children with Autism
Whether your family’s pleasure is a sandy beach or grassy park, or something in between, one thing is certain when traveling with kids…there are bound to be hiccups along the way. For autistic children, who thrive on set schedules and take comfort in places that are familiar, a vacation can be, well, downright stressful. Here
Read MorePrevent ‘Testing Season’ Headaches, Migraines with These 7 Tips
In Austin, March is a month full of fun activities from rodeo to SXSW to Spring Break. Then why do we often see a spike of headaches and migraines among kids? Allergies are one of the main causes, which tend to run high in March. The other cause is often associated with a five letter
Read MoreFish Oil Supplements and Kids
What’s all the beef about fish these days? Well, fish oil actually. Fish oil and its more recently manufactured supplements have been used for hundreds of years by cultures all over the world to treat everything from skin ailments to high cholesterol. In fact, it’s the third most commonly used supplement in the U.S. today.
Read MoreGroundbreaking Youth Concussion Study Launches in Texas
The most comprehensive study to date on youth concussions will take place right here in our own backyard. The University Interscholastic League (UIL), the state’s governing body for public high school sports, is joining forces with the O’Donnell Brain Institute at UT Southwestern Medical Center to track brain injuries among young athletes. This will be
Read More5 Ways to Treat Colds for Kids with Extra Sensitivities
A sniffle here. A chill there. Cold and flu season has arrived. The average kiddo will suffer about 6 to 8 colds a year, and if unlucky enough, a bout of the flu, too. The rules for nursing a kid through a cold or flu are simple…plenty of rest, warm liquids and maybe some over-the-counter
Read MoreSurviving the Holidays: Gift Giving and Receiving
A big part of what kids look forward to most during the holidays is gift giving, and frankly, gift getting. Every child likes to be a part of choosing something special for their grandparent, sibling, or another family member or friend…just as they all have that one perfect present in mind too for themselves. Here
Read MoreSpecial Needs Hit Primetime with ‘Speechless’
TV shows these days now cover everything from time travel to the transgender. So it’s no surprise that something finally came along addressing the sensitivities, albeit with a splash of humor, about the special needs community. Cue up Speechless from ABC’s primetime lineup. The heart of the story is a character named JJ who has
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